Inspired by Central Europe many new societies were established in Zagreb in the second half of the 19th century as a new form of social life and communication. In addition to cultural, workers’, choral, sporting, and entertainment societies, there were numerous voluntary humanitarian organisations, as well as societies where intellectuals gathered to discuss science and art.
Among the citizens of Zagreb, the most popular was Hrvatski sokol (Croatian Hawk) Society, founded in 1874. More than just exercise, it was the ceremonies and festivities that attracted people, where dancing took place, and which the Hawks regularly and successfully organised. Hrvatski Sokol also played an important role in organising physical education classes in public schools. Thanks to the establishment of Hrvatski sokol, sport became more popular and soon became a part of everyday life in the city.
The Hawks were an integral part of our educational, two-decade long, pre-Carnival project Living Images.
To learn more about the Hawks, you can take a walk through the permanent exhibition at the Zagreb City Museum theme number 37: Civic Societies and Clubs.
(A. T.)

First meeting of Hrvatski sokol, photo studio by Atelier Rechnitzer, 2 September 1906

Precedent division of Hrvatski Sokol, 1884. Members: M. Sertić, D. Šoštarić, K. Milec, V. Marković (top row); H. Hojnik, F. Hochnam, I. Hanuš, G. Hrnčić (middle row); N. Rojc, D. Mašek, S. Bahorić (bottom row).

Group of young members of Hrvatski Sokol, 2 September 1888. Group is standing in front of a fence, above which is the inscription: “ŽIVILI! NAŠI MILI GOSTI ŽIVILI! PRIJATELJI.” (HEAR! CHEERS TO OUR DEAR GUESTS! FRIENDS.)

Women section committee of Hrvatski Sokol in Zagreb, author: Všetečka and Reputin, 1924